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Beyond the West

519,00 kr.

The profession of architectural practitioners now has the potential to profoundly reshape the way we live in the twenty-first century, The tools of the global economy—the powers of communication and production—equip designers and builders to make decisions that will affect our future livelihood and that of the planet, The focus is placed outside the West, uncovering projects with a sensitivity to local strictures in countries such as Brazil, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, and elsewhere,The projects featured—from a low-impact mountainside bungalow modeled on Sri Lankan watch huts to an isolated Namibian desert retreat inspired by the nest of a local bird—are examples of a careful, research-driven, and localized approach,
Working with available materials and in harmony with the surrounding terrain, architects find inspiration in traditional knowledge and skills, Bricks, stones, or bamboo from the surrounding landscapes are made or cut by local hands, creating local employment, and instilling local pride,

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Publisher Gestalten
Author Gestalten
Product Cover Hardcover
Product Language English
Pages 304
Country of origin BE
Varenummer: GE1098 Kategori Tags: ,

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Vægt 2,05 kg
Størrelse 2,05 × 3,3 × 30 cm